Navigating the Murky Waters of Boys, Girls and Gender Today
About This Webinar From boys demanding their right to blue Easy-Bake Ovens, to girls getting mixed messages about what women’s work looks like in the real world, gender issues have become more mystifying than ever. For marketers, innovators, program developers and content creators, gender complexity can muddy the waters, making the best strategic choices related…

It’s All Over Their Faces: How Facial Coding Tech can Reveal what Kids Really Think
About This Webinar Kids articulate themselves in a simpler manner than adults and may have difficulty recognizing or expressing complex thoughts or feelings. This is why in-person interviews such as focus groups remain a popular and necessary part of any youth-focused research toolbox. They allow us to observe kids’ emotions and to provide our clients…

Everyone Has an IPad
About This Webinar When it comes to understanding youth and technology, it can be difficult to get your story straight. Data related to these digital natives changes quickly, and it can also be misleading. In this webinar, Amy Henry will share fresh-from-the-field facts on preschoolers, kids, tweens, teens, parents and technology in order to help…

Insights into the Preschool Market
About This Webinar Today’s preschoolers have much in common with the cohorts that came before them, but there’s no denying that this generation of 2 to 5 year olds is experiencing the world differently than preschoolers of the past. To truly understand this market, it’s important to rely on real data that reveals the way…

Connecting with Millennial Parents
About this Webinar Millennials are all the talk these days. They’ve been coined ‘Generation Me’ or the “Generation Innovation.” They’re referred to as tech savvy, optimistic, social, unpredictable, creative, entitled, multi-taskers, who have life-balance. Marketers understand that they need to connect with these consumers in different ways than previous generations, but how does that translate…

Almost Famous: What Growing Up in a Performance Culture Means for Today’s Youth
This event has ended. Please complete the form to view the recording About This Webinar Kids’ fascination with celebrities might not be new, but today’s youth feel closer to fame than any generation before them. Whether it’s the fantasy of being discovered on YouTube, the chance to vote for the next American Idol, or the ability…