Audience Expertise
lgbtq+ research
Attuned to the LGBTQ+
LGBTQ+ consumers have been around for a long time – longer than the acronym itself. But they’re more visible and more important to your brand than ever before. While there is no official statistic on the prevalence of the LGBTQ+ population, we see estimates ranging from 3.5% to 11% of the US population. The LGBTQ+ community tends to exercise a fair amount of brand loyalty and have significant purchasing power. If it isn’t already part of your strategy, marketing to LGBTQ+ consumers should be on your priority list.

take the next step
Four Tips for Marketing to the LGBTQ+ Community
messaging that goes well beyond pride month
C+R Research has years of experience helping brands with their LGBTQ+ marketing efforts. Like any cultural identity, the LGBTQ+ community is diverse – diverse in their sexual orientation, gender expression, race, ethnicity, age, income, and all the other attributes that make each member of a community distinct.
Our CultureBeat team is attuned to all that unites the LGBTQ+ community, while understanding the uniqueness of each consumer. With years of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods experience, we’re here to help you develop authentic messaging that goes well beyond Pride Month.

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