Because Culture and Tradition Matter: Dia de los Santos Reyes
Filed Under: Hispanic / Latino
Jorge Martínez-Bonilla
Senior Vice President, CultureBeat
On January 6, throughout Latin America and many Latino households in the U.S. (and throughout the whole world actually), families will celebrate the Epiphany of the Three Kings. In Hispanic folkloric and religious tradition, children in some Latin countries receive presents on this day rather than on Christmas day.
In the U.S., this is a holiday that is still observed by many Latino families; however, it has increasingly been overshadowed by Christmas celebrations and the loud messaging we have now come to expect from marketers.
And not surprising, many older and less acculturated Hispanics are more likely to hang on to this tradition of celebrating Dia de los Santos Reyes. For when it comes to Hispanic culture, the pull is strong as Latinos of all ages strongly embrace their cultural identity assuring that Three Kings’ Day remains cherished across generations.
Whether you market to Latinos or not, culture and tradition matter; I encourage you to learn more about this holiday and honor those who embrace it.
And here’s a neat visual representation to give you a glimpse into all holidays celebrated by the Hispanic community in the U.S.:

If you’re interested in learning more about how Hispanics celebrate different holidays, feel free to view the webinar we put together on the topic of holidays.
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