Consumer Connections Series: Connecting with Hispanic Consumers to Amplify Their Voices – Key Takeaways
Filed Under: Hispanic / Latino
Jorge Martínez-Bonilla
Senior Vice President, CultureBeat
As a company doing business in 2020, we at C+R Research believe it is critical to both understand and relate to consumers of all backgrounds and identities. C+R also believes that it is doubly critical for consumer-facing brands to do so and that it’s our job is to help! To that end, we recently hosted another live consumer panel in our ongoing Consumer Connection Series: Connecting with Hispanic Consumers to Amplify Their Voices.
Please fill out the form below to view the key takeaways from that webinar, covering points from the impact of COVID-19, to the use of the term Latinx, to the connection Hispanics feel with other people of color, especially the Black community.
With the pandemic affecting everyone (but some more than others) and a historic election rapidly approaching, now is the time to take a moment to immerse with Hispanic consumers in their world. And if you would like to further expand your brand’s knowledge of Hispanic consumers, please reach out – C+R’s CultureBeat team is happy to help!
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