Mobile Device Research Illuminates Teen Shopping and Spending Behavior
Filed Under: Teens, Youth & Family
Teens and Their Money – November 7th at 1:30 p.m. -The Market Research Event – Orlando, FL
Mobile device research and social media technology are hot these days, and with good reason. As C+R’s Executive VP, Walt Dickie, succinctly put it in a recent blog post, The Inevitability of Mobile Research, “Every model we’ve ever had about consumers interacting with brands is now inadequate if it doesn’t include smartphones. All of the research we do simply has to be cognizant of this massive, immovable fact.”
As a result of this smartphone revolution, the research world is frantically grappling with various ways to harness this technology while distilling the most valuable insights from real-time purchase data, mobile payment technology, store finder Apps and QR coded brand drivers.
So what better group for marketers to set their sights on than teens, the first generation of consumers to grow up in today’s social media-rich culture. This has been one of the most anticipated and popular presentations on so timely a topic. C+R Research’s energetic duo, Mary McIlrath, Senior VP, and Darren Breese, Research Director, share some profound insights drawn from a select group of C+R Research’s teen panel, TeensEyes.com. The teens used a new App specifically designed for mobile research created by the online research provider RevelationGlobal. The latest data on teen shopping and spending may surprise, challenge and even have you rethink your strategy for marketing to today’s teens.
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