The Impact of COVID-19 on Parents + Youth
Filed Under: COVID, Youth & Family

Mary McIlrath
Senior Vice President, C+R Alum
At our parent company, C+R Research, we’ve been proactive in gauging consumer perspectives around the pandemic through our Consumer Connections series, The COVID-19 Chronicles. As part of this effort, our YouthBeat® team reached out to parents and youth with an add-on to our semiannual tracking survey. What we found was that compared to the general population, parents are particularly attuned to the stresses of the pandemic. Youth are picking up some new domestic skills but are itching to get back to pre-virus routines.
Subscribers to our Say What? Video Journals have even more in-depth access to insights about the impact of the virus and families’ coping mechanisms.
Download our infographic to read in consumers’ own words how they’re feeling during this strange, new time.