Retailers across all industries saw significant shifts in traffic and purchases during the pandemic. This was certainly true in the pet industry. As pet ownership increased, pet product manufacturers often benefited from increased sales, as did many retailers of pet products.
Gains in new customers and increased purchases are exciting for any brand, but then the question is always, how do you retain these customers?
Addressing Retention Issues
Our retail client in the pet space had substantial growth in their customer base during the pandemic across several areas of the business. They approached C+R in order to help them inform retention strategies, more specifically:
- Determine the initial drivers for switching and which are most important to retain shoppers
- Understand intentions for staying with the retailer or switching back and why
- Measure overall satisfaction with the retailer and determine which aspects are most likely to keep customers & barriers that would drive them away

Large Scale Representative Shopper Survey
We developed a large quantitative research study in order to address the needs of this project. This required a large sample size to ensure confidence in the results at a total representative shopper level, as well as across several key audiences.
Shoppers completed a self-administered survey which allowed us to compare responses across a number of measures but was also tailored to their individual shopping needs. Supplemental interviews were conducted to ensure statistically significant base sizes for key audiences of interest.

The result
Opportunities for Retention Strategies and Tactics
We provided the client with an understanding of what brought new shoppers to their stores, how they’re performing against the attributes that new shoppers value most, and the top drivers for and barriers against retention.
Further, we identified opportunities for retention through specific communications, in-store strategies, ways to further differentiate from competitors, and expectations for future shifts even after the pandemic subsides.

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