
Commitment Over Campaigns: How to Build Real Relationships with Multicultural Consumers

October 24 | 12PM CT

In today’s world, reaching multicultural audiences is essential for brand growth. These consumers represent a significant and expanding share of the market. But to truly thrive, brands need more than just one-off efforts; they need a lasting, authentic commitment to understanding who these audiences are, what they value, and how they engage.

Superficial, reactive marketing misses the mark. Brands that focus on short-term gains instead of forging deeper connections risk losing the loyalty of these critical consumers. In times of social and economic uncertainty, multicultural audiences expect even more from brands – multicultural consumers connect with brands that maintain a genuine investment in their communities and experiences.

In this webinar, Jorge Martínez-Bonilla, SVP of C+R’s CultureBeat Team, will have a candid discussion with leaders in multicultural research including Edwige Winans, Research Director, Multicultural Insights at Marcus Thomas, and Venice Haynes, PhD, MSPH, Senior Director of Research and Community Engagement at United States of Care.  During this discussion, you’ll discover how social, political, and economic tensions shape the way multicultural audiences view brands.

Key Takeaways:

  • Current pressures influencing and impacting how multicultural audiences and consumers view brands and organizations
  • The potential implication to organizations when brands don’t have a deep understanding of multicultural audiences
  • What brands and companies can do to show their commitment to multicultural audiences.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how your brand can build deeper, lasting connections with multicultural audiences. Register now and discover thought provoking ideas that will help you thrive in today’s multicultural marketplace.  If you can’t make it, register anyway and we will email you once it is available on-demand.

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