
A Timely Discussion About Qualitative Research

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Over the past year, the Coronavirus pandemic has changed how market researchers conduct qualitative research. This was particularly true for “traditional” or “in-person” qualitative researchers who had to become even more agile and creative with how they helped businesses reach consumers. At C+R, this has meant reframing our “in-person” qualitative team to our “live” qualitative team and capitalizing more on digital technologies while developing innovative new ways to transition some traditionally in-person qualitative methodologies into the online space – specifically for: 

  • Focus groups/In-Depth Interviews (IDIs) 
  • Shop-alongs 
  • Ethnographies 
  • Workshops  

We’ve learned a lot from expanding our traditional qualitative methods into the online space and want to share these learnings with you. So, we are excited to bring together a panel of our qualitative thought leaders for a discussion on “qualitative research from any angle.” You’ll hear from our “live” qualitative (traditional, in-person) moderators and our online qualitative experts as they discuss ways in which they’ve “pivoted” through the pandemic by using creative workarounds, best practices learned along the way, and expectations for this year.  

Fill out the form and learn how evolving technology and versatility helped us continue to garner deep consumer insights for our clients, even amid a worldwide pandemic.