custom online communities and panels: a comprehensive guide
Custom Communities for Today’s Insight Needs Since the inception of online communities and panels years ago, this research methodology has evolved over time to meet the needs of brands. But, how do you choose from among the array of offerings and approaches for online research communities? Communities and panels are ideal because they allow you…
What do Communities and Snowflakes have in common? No Two Are Alike!
About This Ebook CUSTOM COMMUNITIES FOR TODAY’S INSIGHT NEEDS This eBook provides a primer for designing a custom online community or panel. Backed by 60 years of research experience, this ebook walks you through the different types of online communities C+R offers, customized to meet your business needs. It answers important questions from the initial…
Making the Connection with Millennial Moms
About This Webinar If you’re concerned with connecting with today’s families or kids, tweens and teens, Millennial Moms are a unique subgroup of parents that matter. This youngest group of moms represents just one aspect of today’s overall motherhood mix, but they are making an impact on the way parenting plays out today and for…
Digital Qualitative: The Next Generation
About This Webinar Are you looking for new approaches and techniques to impact your online qualitative research project? What about practical ways to add more creative, well-rounded designs in your next online study? Join Shaili Bhatt, Research Director at C+R Research, for an in-depth look at the latest technology, tools and trends for online qualitative….
Exploring Brand Affinity Across Generations and Ethnicities
About This Webinar C+R Research investigates the dynamics of brand affinity across multicultural and generational divides. You’ll learn how Hispanic and Gen Pop consumers form brand loyalty in several CPG categories, how these loyalties differ across generational lines, and what it all means for your brand.