Research Service
Package Testing / Optimization
packaging that
Good product packaging communicates volumes – telling your consumers who you are and what you stand for. We love helping clients develop packaging that aligns with their brand and resonates with consumers.
C+R’s holistic approach supports clients at every stage of the packaging development process – whether you’re in the exploration and creation phase or ready to confirm your packaging approach in-context, we have the tools and the know-how to help.
explore / create
Goal: Understand consumers’ current packaging behaviors and perceptions to guide creative development of new/optimized packaging.
This phase is conducted qualitatively, such as in-person or digital ethnographies and/or focus groups to get to the heart of consumers’ emotional and cognitive experiences. We recommend using these methods to observe how consumers use products and interact with current packaging to identify pain points. We can also gather reactions to competitive products to identify what works vs. what doesn’t.

Funnel / Refine
Goal: Funnel down concepts and optimize packaging prior to quantitative testing, with a focus on understanding the strength and weaknesses of packages (communication of key benefits, uniqueness, fit with the brand, relevance, etc.)
Methods in this phase are also qualitative in nature (typically including online qualitative discussions, online qualitative IHUT, and/or focus groups). Online or in-person packaging mark-up, eye tracking, shelf-set exercise with navigation recording, and video journals are tools that can also help pinpoint areas for refinement.
Optimize / Eliminate
Goal: Evaluate packaging designs against each other on key criteria: findability, delighters, barriers, package ability to deliver on brand positioning, fit with brand, etc., to optimize the packages.
In this phase, methods typically include online quantitative surveys (approaches such as monadic, sequential monadic, and conjoint) and hybrid (qual-quant) approaches like LiveHive. We often use tools like the package highlighter, findability exercises, system 1, and eye tracking to provide actionable results.

Confirm In-Context
Goal: Determine how well packaging captures consumers’ attention in a real-world setting; uncover where eyes go or don’t go.
During this phase, we use virtual and in-person shopping methods that serve both brick and mortar and digital environments with tools such as interactive shelf set, eye tracking, and more.
Proven Experience
featured package
testing case studies