Kelly Gebhardt
Vice President, Quantitative Research

meet Kelly
Kelly joined C+R Research in 2004 and has over 15 years of syndicated and custom research experience. She designs and consults on various research studies including, but not limited to, attitude and usage studies, segmentation, concept evaluation, advertising and communication testing, and in-home usage tests. Kelly’s experience spans a variety of industries including consumer packaged goods, retail, and restaurants.
Prior to joining C+R, Kelly worked in syndicated research with ACNielsen and Information Resources (IRI). She held various account management roles that included sales and promotion analyses, household panel analytics, and marketing mix modeling.
Kelly received a BBA, with a concentration in Marketing, and an MBA from Loyola University Chicago.

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thought leadership
What advice do you have for others wanting to get into market research?
As with any career, never give up. If it is truly something you have a passion for, search out others who are in the trenches – get their feedback and advice.
What's your favorite restaurant in Chicago and what do you order there?
La Scarola. Cheese ravioli – a classic.
What's the best part about working at C+R?
I enjoy the variety of clients I get to work with, across a variety of industries. Our custom approach to market research delivers powerful insights moving our client’s business decisions ahead. Thatu002du002dto meu002du002dis rewarding.