Shopper Insights

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The Cost of Bad Data: Why Data Quality is More...

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Measuring Emotional and Neurological Responses with...

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Why Brands Should Prioritize Understanding Working Moms...

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Identifying Untapped Healthcare Benefits: Could...

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Navigating the 2024 Grocery Landscape: Insights from...

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The Renaissance of Humor in Advertising: A Breath of...

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AI Dilemmas in the Grocery Sector: Opportunities for...

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Millennial and Gen Z Omnishoppers: It’s About...

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The Future of Grocery Shopping: A Hyper-Personalized...

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Balancing Cost and Convenience: Key Trends Shaping the...

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Navigating Generational Shifts in Grocery Shopping...

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going beyond typical: Giving the Neurodivergent...

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World Autism Month: Encouraging Understanding and...

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Grocery Retailers Have a Mixed Bag of Expectations for...

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Three Ways to Turn Recessionary Lemons into Lemonade

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Are Shoppers Longing for a Simpler Time?

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2022 Package Theft Statistics Report

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The Metaverse and What it Means for Shoppers

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Shopper Insights: Private Label Gains During Inflation

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Journey Mapping – A Visual Way to Get Closer to Your...

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Three “Little” Ways I am a Different Consumer

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2021 Package Theft Statistics Report

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Creating the Trifecta with Shopper Research

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Buy Now, Pay Later Statistics and User Habits

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The 2021 Shopping Revolution

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2020 Package Theft Statistics Report

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Despite COVID, Brands Still Need Consumer Research to...

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Is It OK If Your Market Research Isn’t Always...

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October 13th Is the New Black Friday

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COVID-19: The Impact on Consumers’ Wallets

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Revisiting COVID-19: American Consumers 60 Days Later

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Consumer Trends to Stay Aware of During and After the...

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COVID-19 Pandemic: Live Consumer Panel #6 – Five...

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COVID-19: Deciphering Consumer Stories to Help Brands

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COVID-19 Pandemic: Live Consumer Panel #5 – Five...

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Changes in Grocery Shopping Habits During COVID-19

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COVID-19 Pandemic: Live Consumer Panel #3 – Five...

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COVID-19 Pandemic: Live Consumer Panel #2 – Five...

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COVID-19 Pandemic Impact: Observing the Effects in My...

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COVID-19 Pandemic: Live Consumer Panel #1 – Five...

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Consumer Behavior Is Shifting: Five Reasons Why You...

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Putting the Shopper First: Category Management...

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2019 Package Theft Statistics Report

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Halloween History and 10 Fun Facts

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Is the ‘Organic’ Trend Wilting?

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Ways Amazon has Transformed the Retail Landscape

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The Rise of Impulse Shopping in the eCommerce World

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Value Channels: The Other Opportunity

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Building a Better Marketing Research Toolbox

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eCommerce + Online Qualitative Research Sitting in a...

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Not Your Parents’ DIY: How the Economy and...

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Understanding Consumer Preferences with Neuroeconomics

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Clean Label Initiatives: Keep It Simple Consumers...

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How Market Research Can Help You Understand...

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How Our Environment Influences What We Buy

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Seven Keys to Understanding the Parent/Child Shopping...

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Navigating Your Shoppers' Journey

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How to Obtain and Use Actionable Shopper Insights

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Grocery Store Satisfication Survey Reveals US Regional...

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Shopper Insights at the Grocery Store

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Ensure the Most Shoppers See your Communications

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Lessons for Market Research from Black Friday and Cyber...

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Grocery Shopping with a Smartphone

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Integrating Occasion Segmentation in Shopper Insights

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Understanding Your Consumers

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Understanding millennials Effect on The Future of the...

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Smartphones are Changing the Shopping Experience

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Apps Provide New Ground for Shopper Insights

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